NSWDA Annual Trophy Exhibition
The NSWDA have traditionally held Trophy Exhibitions and competitions since inauguration. In 2005 it was decided that the Exhibition would be held to combine the end of year get together and Christmas Party for the participants and family’s of the members.
The Trophy Exhibition is not a competition, every exhibitor receives a certificate to celebrate the exhibition of there Trophy. There is no requirement as to the year the Trophy was taken provided the Trophy was taken under fair chase conditions.
The first two years of the exhibition has been an outstanding success with some great trophy’s from all parts of the world exhibited.
Where possible a photograph and Douglas score is recorded, Douglas Score sheets must be signed by a certified DS scorer.
Click on the PDF links below to view the Exhibitions. Please note file is large and will take a minute to open on slow connections. To download file for viewing, right click on selected “NSWDA Annual Trophy Exhibition” pdf link below, left click “save target as” or “save link target as”, and click save in the pop open box.